iris florist software

Get 14 Days On Us

IRIS Offers a Free Florist Software Trial

No credit card. No commitment required.
No contract.

* Shop Name ( Letters, numbers and hyphens only )
* First Name ( Letters, numbers and hyphens only )
* Last Name ( Letters, numbers and hyphens only )
* Phone (___) ___-____ ( Numbers and hyphens only )
* Email Address ( Valid email required )
* How Did You Hear About Us? ( Please select how you heard about us )
* Username ( Minimum 8 characters - Letters, numbers and hyphens only )
* Password ( Minimum 8 characters - Letters, numbers and hyphens only ) Read about our requirements

After filling out this form, you will recieve a short ( non-sales ) related call to simply set up your software trial. This will take roughly 10 minutes. If you choose, a live tour can be provided to you upon request with the support agent.

Direct Sales:
(877) 810-4747 ext: 2